Usually $588/year (=$49/mth)
Now 50% OFF:
$299/ year (=$24.50/mth)
This offer auto-renews yearly at this 50% off discounted rate of $299/ year.
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- 💃🏻 Unlimited Access to Hips+Heels Program
- 🎬 500+ On-Demand Video Library
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- 🐾 Exclusive 21 Day Balance Training for Dancers
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- 👠 Exclusive 21 Days to Heels Confidence
- 🦵 6 Weeks to Front Splits Flexibility
- ❤️🔥 Get Your Spins Down Training
- 👏 Latin Arm Stylings for Solo & Partnering
- 🌟 Must-Have Guide to the Right Dance Shoes
- ✅ Detailed Technique Training for Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Jive, American Rumba, Swing, Salsa and more
- 📆 Convenient Weekly Follow-Along Practices (In-App)
- ▶️ Personalize your Practice with Your Favorites Playlist
- ❓ Q&A with LiWen
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